Code of Conduct/Rules
Establishes how you must act while working for the DOJ
While apart of the Department of Justice, you must act professionally and follow the Code of Conduct stated as follows.
Behaviour In The Department
Respect - You must show respect to all members within the department
Professionalism - You must avoid arguments and starting conflicts
Nuisance - Such acts include misusing (voice) channels, spam, advertisement and pointless arguments.
Profanity - We permit occasional mild profanity but forbid the overuse of profanity, the use of strong vulgarity, slurs, targeted insults and sexual content.
Behaviour In-Game
Grammar - You must use proper English grammar when in RP as DOJ personnel.
Professionalism - You must act professional at all times.
Follow all FSRP rules - Follow any and all rules assigned in the main server or you will be terminated for making the department look bad.
Follow instructions from Judges or lead lawyers - They are considered HR´s and must be listened to.
Last updated